Fifth International Conference on Inclusive Education-2018, Delhi, India

Fifth International Conference on Inclusive Education-2018, Delhi, India:

Amar Jyoti Charitable Trust in collaboration with the Asian Centre for Inclusive Education, Bangladesh is organizing the 5th International Conference on Inclusive Education. The conference takes place in New Delhi, India from 28-30th November, 2018.
In the global context where the Sustainable Development Goals (UN, 2015) have fore-fronted the notion of equity and inclusion in education as a criterion for achieving quality education, this conference plays an important role in the development of new frameworks in inclusive education. A central theme of the conference revolves around “Fostering excellence through inclusive education’’. Inclusive education has been often considered as an “additional activity” that schools should do. It is possible that this understanding and belief contributed towards slow progress of implementing inclusive education in many countries. Research has shown that inclusion and excellence can co-exist. It is important to re-define inclusive education and consider it a way to foster excellence in our existing school systems. The Conference will address issues related to education of learners who are frequently excluded because of their learning abilities, ethnic background, socioeconomic status and gender.
Key Note Speakers of the fifth conference are professor Dr. Richard Rose, Department of Special Education Needs & Inclusion, University of Northampton, UK; professor Dr. Umesh Sharma, Academic Head (Educational Psychology & Inclusive Education), Monash University, Australia, professor Dr. Chris Forlin, International Inclusive Education Consultant, Australia; Dr. (Mrs) Uma Tuli, Founder and managing secretary, Amar Jyoti Charitable Trust  and Dr. M. N. G. Mani, Chief executive officer, International council for education of people with visual impairment, Coimbatore , India.

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