Management Committee

ACIE is managed by three committees as per constitution: 1. Executive Committee, 2. General Committee. 3. Office Management. The following persons are the members of those three committees.


1. Executive Committee

Abuzzoha Ahmed Noor
Advocate & Retired Deputy Director, Department of Social Services.


Mrs. Uzama S. J. Muyeed
Inclusive Education Activist

Prof. Dr. M. Tariq Ahsan
Secretary General
Professor, Institute of Education and Research (IER)
University of Dhaka

Iqbal Hossain
Research & Publication Secretary
Education Manager– UNICEF,

M.A. Khaliq
Human Recourse Secretary
Executive Member, Azmat Group & Ex-Banker

Rais Uddin Ahmed
Finance Secretary
EX Vice-President, National Bank Ltd.

I A Kaiser E Alam
Organizing Secretary
Charter Member of
Rotary Club of Jahangirnagar, RI Dist-3281, Bangladesh

Mrs. Qazi Shakera Banu
Executive Member
Retd, Assistant Director, Dept. of Social Services

Professor Ummey Sultana
Executive Member,
Retired Professor

Mrs. Flora Sharifa Jahan
Executive Member

Mrs. Nasreen Sultana Mitu

Executive Member

2. General Committee

3. Office Management

Abuzzoha Ahmed Noor


Prof. Dr. M. Tariq Ahsan
Secretary General

Md. Waliullah Rana
Associate Coordinator