Previous Activities
ACIE’s Advocacy and Networking Initiatives
Inclusive Education Seminar Series PEDP 4 Action Plan, 2018:
As a part of continuous initiatives on equity and inclusion in education through the Inclusive Education Working Group; Asian Centre for Inclusive Education (ACIE) along with CBM, DRRA, Plan International Bangladesh, Save the Children and UNESCO-Dhaka are going to organize a half-day follow-up seminar (Seminar Series 04) on “Primary Education Development Programme Planning and Inclusive Education in Bangladesh: Way Forward” to be held on 28 October 2018 (Sunday) at the Pan Pacific Sonargaon Hotel, Dhaka from 9.30am to 2.00pm.
Inclusive Education Seminar Series 3 & Celebration of IDPD, 2017:
A half day national seminar titled “Primary Education Development Programme Planning and Inclusive Education: Way Forward- IE Practice Model Presentation” was designed focusing on post PEDP 3 planning held on 27th December, 2017 at Bishwo Shahitto Kendro, Dhaka jointly organized by ACIE (as technical organizer) in association with Plan International Bangladesh, Save the Children, ADD International Bangladesh and DRRA (as co-organizers). The aim of this seminar was to celebrate International Day of Persons with Disability focusing on the theme of this year. IE Practice Model sharing had been done by relating the presentations along with this year theme. Specially the findings and learning from existing practice models of different organizations had been be shared and presented in the seminar so that the experiences can be implemented through the upcoming PEDP implementation strategies.
Inclusive Education Seminar Series 2- 2017
A half day consultation was held focusing on Follow-up Seminar on ‘Primary Education Development Programme Planning and Inclusive Education: Way Forward’ on 9th August, 2017 at The Pan Pacific Sonargaon Hotel, Dhaka. This report provides the documentation and outcome of the follow up seminar on Primary Education Development Planning and Inclusive Education: Way Forward. With the technical support of ACIE the Program was jointly organized by UNESCO-Dhaka, CBM, Plan International Bangladesh, Save the Children, and DRRA. In the follow up seminar different stakeholders from High officials of MoPME, DPE, Development partners, International Donor Consortium Members, INGO and National NGOs, were present. The aim of this seminar was to explore implementation strategies of inclusive education in Bangladesh for post PEDP 3 planning which would guide to form the sector program in line with the SDGs.
Inclusive Education Seminar Series 1- 2017
A half day national seminar titled “Primary Education Development Planning and Inclusive Education: Way Forward” was designed focusing on post PEDP 3 planning held on 23rd April, 2017 at The Pan Pacific Sonargaon Hotel, Dhaka. Jointly organized by ACIE in association with UNESCO-Dhaka, CBM, Plan International Bangladesh, Save the Children, DRRA & Lillane Fonds. The aim of this seminar was to explore the dynamics of IE, set milestones combining the current understanding and the learning from past experience which will guide to form the sector program in line with the SDGs. Further to this, in presence of government officials, donors, implementers, technical organizations the seminar was to investigate the evolution of the IE concept from the ancient period till the later date through the timeline of the social transformation to reach the updated understanding of IE concept as well as current good practices.
ACIE’s Participation in International Conference on Inclusive Education- 2024, Nepal

ACIE, IER-RU, TTC Rajshahi & PTI Rajshahi Seminar on IE, 2017
The seminar was held on 24th December 2017 at Government Teacher’s Training College, Rajshahi. Faculty members of IER, Rajshahi University, Teachers from Rjshahi TTC, Instructors from PTI Rajshahi, ACIE representatives from ACIE participated in the Seminar. In the seminar, two presentations were presented by Ms. Rayhan Ara Zaman from IER, RU and Professor Dr. M Tariq Ahsan. Professor Md Ansar Uddin, Director, IER RU was present as Chief Guest, Mr Mujahidul Islam, Superintendent, PTI Rajshahi & Mr. Abuzzoha Ahmed Noor, Chairman, ACIE was present as special guest and the program was chaired by Professor ,Principal Rajshahi TTC.
Seminar on Inclusive Education, Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University, Japan, 2018
Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University, Japan organized an International Seminar on Inclusive Education 2018 on 3-4 February 2018. ACIE’s Secretary General Professor Dr. M. Tariq Ahsan was one of the Key Note Speakers. Dr. Tariq’s presentation title was ‘conceptualizing inclusive education: what did we really do while translating the concept into practice? What should have been done?’ The participants of the seminar were faculty members, government officials, school leaders, researchers, post graduate students.
Participation in International Conference on Child Friendly Inclusive Education, 2010:
IISB participated in Institute of Education and Research (IER) at the University of Dhaka is going to organize an International Conference on Child Friendly Inclusive Education. The theme of the conference is “Making the School Effective for All”. The conference was held on the 07-08 January 2010 in Dhaka, Bangladesh. IISB had a stall in the exhibition of the conference.
NUEPA Conference, 2017:
In November 02, 2017 members from ACIE participate in the National Conference on Inclusive Education organized National University of Educational Planning and Administration, held in Delhi, India. Where secretary general of ACIE chaired a session and jointly presented paper.
Seminar on Gender, Equity and Inclusion in New Curriculum- 2023, Dhaka, Bangladesh

ACIE-UMASS Boston Seminar on Inclusion, USA, 2017
Asian Centre for Inclusive Education, Bangladesh and University of Massachusetts Boston, USA jointly organized a seminar on “Equity and Inclusion in Education for Human Development in Asian Countries & Beyond”. The seminar was organized on 29 September 2017 at UMASS Boston Campus, USA. Dr. M. Tariq Ahsan and Iqbal Hossain from ACIE participated as featured speakers in the Seminar.
The seminar had implication in critically analysing and identifying the status and challenges, sharing and discussion about the possible strategies of addressing the challenges of equity and inclusion in Education in Asian countries and beyond. The seminar also explored the scope of collaboration for further in-depth research and intervention designs on the issue and prepared some academic papers to submit it for publication in the Asian Journal of Inclusive Education of ACIE. Academics, students, researchers and development organizations participated in the ACIE-UMASS Boston seminar.
Jadavpur University Conference, 2017:
ACIE secretary General Professor Dr. M Tariq Ahsan Presented a key Paper in seminar organized by department of Education of Jadavpur University, Kolkata.
ACIE, IER-RU Seminar on IE, 2016
The seminar was held on 29 April 2016 at IER, Rajshahi University. Invited guests, Faculty members of IER, Rajshahi University, students and ACIE representatives participated in the seminar. In the seminar, Professor Dr. M Tariq Ahsan presented the key presentation on “Impact of IE to achieve the SDG-4 goal in the context of Bangladesh; Present situation of IE in Bangladesh and future direction for implementing Inclusive education.” The program was chaired by Professor Md Ansar Uddin, Director, IER, RU.
Workshop on addressing the values of Inclusive Education in the Proposed Draft Education Act-2013
ACIE in association with Plan International Bangladesh organized a workshop on “Addressing the Values of Inclusive Education in the Proposed Draft Education ACT-2013” held on 24th August, 2013, at the IDB Bhaban Auditorium, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Different relevant stakeholders including the university faculty, government official, NGO officials were present at the workshop discussion and provide their opinion on the proposed draft education act-2013. Later on ACIE prepared a policy advocacy guideline based on the findings of the workshop for the government.
Round Table Discussion on “Addressing the values of Inclusive Education in the Post EFA 2015 & Post MDG 2015 initiatives in Bangladesh
ACIE organized a Round Table Discussion on “Addressing the Values of Inclusive Education in the Post-EFA 2015 & Post-MDG 2015 Initiatives in Bangladesh” held on 6 July, 2013, Saturday, at the IDB Bhaban Auditorium, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Different relevant stakeholders including the university faculty, government official, NGO officials were present at the round table discussion and provide their valuable opinion on the topic.
ACIE- PTI Patuakhali Seminar on IE, 2015
The seminar was held on 26 December, 2015 at PTI, Patuakhali. Instructors from PTI Patuakhali, government officials, representatives from academic institutions, development partners, members of INGO and National NGOs, ACIE representatives participated in the Seminar. Ms. Nargis Ara Huque was present as guest of honor in the seminar. The theme of the seminar was “Inclusion matters: Access and Empowerment of People of all Abilities”